The journal Ecología Política, cuadernos de debate internacional calls for articles for the 51st number of the journal that will focus on «The political ecology in Latin America». The new number aims to cover theoretical dimensions as well as various aspects of the main subject such as the history and present currents of Latin American ecological thought and activism; peasant and indigenous movements; commoning practices, territoriality and community management of  commons; political ecology of colonization and violence in Latin America; extractivism and post-extractivism; environmental justice and socio-environmental conflicts; distributional aspects of environmental policies; critical thoughts on relation between the state and the rural space and actors etc. The forthcoming number 51 of the journal will be published in June, 2016.


Article types:

The types of articles published in the journal are the following:

  • In-depth articles are related to the main subject of the issue. These are articles which have a theoretical component and/or analyse one of the aspects (mentioned in the paragraph above) of the main topic in detail from a macro perspective. Their length should be approximately 8 pages.
  • Short articles with a regional or local focus that are related to the main subject of the same number of the journal. They analyse a concrete case study and are approximately 4 pages long.
  • Opinion articles related to the subject of the number. They give a personal and critical vision of the subject matter and have a length of 2 or 3 pages.
  • Articles about resistance or social movements related to the subject matter addressing local or community resistances to environmental impacts and have a length of approximately 3 pages.
  • Articles about leading persons of environmental thought are the ones analyzing the work and contributions of a reference person related to the special issue of each number. They usually have a length of approximately 6 pages.
  • Book, webpage or report reviews make a critique of recent publications. They are usually 1 page long.

The conditions for different types of articles including their length and format can be consulted on the webpage

Only those that comply with the format of the journal will have the chance to get published.

The articles will be evaluated by experts on the main theme and by the editorial committee of the journal.


The procedure and deadlines for submission:

The submission of articles will be realized in two steps.

The first step entails the submission of an article abstract. The deadline for abstract submission is the 1st of February, 2016.

The authors of the abstracts addressing a subtheme in accordance with the objective of that number and enabling to cover various dimensions of the main topic will be invited to send the final versions of their articles. The invitation to submit the full version of an article does not ensure its publication since the final articles will pass through a second revision of experts and editorial committee.

The deadline to submit the final version of the articles to be translated from English to Spanish is the 23rd of March, 2016.

Both the abstracts and the final versions of articles have to be sent to the following e-mail address:


About the journal:

Ecología Política is a semi-annual journal published in Spanish that addresses environmental questions and their link to society. It has a history older than 25 years, during which it has been distributed mainly in Spain and Latin America. It targets both academics and environmental/social organisations. You can find more information in our webpage, where you can also download the digital version of the first 48 issues.



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